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Time To Bury J&K’s ‘Armed Struggle’ – OpEd


The Past

When terrorism first raised its ugly head in Kashmir Valley more than three decades ago, it was complemented with a craftily orchestrated campaign that was extraordinarily high in emotional content. Beguiled by promises that “azadi [freedom] was just around the corner,” the people of J&K heartily welcomed the armed Kashmiri youth [calling themselves ‘freedom fighters’] who had been trained and armed by Pakistan army’s intelligence wing Inter Services Intelligence [ISI] and would ‘liberate’ Kashmir through an ‘armed struggle’.

So strong was the prevailing euphoria then that locals failed to see the ugly underbelly of the so-called ‘armed struggle’ and discern ISI’s sinister game-plan of turning J&K into a battleground for its proxy war against India as well as using its people as ‘cannon-fodder’. What followed was a tragedy of humongous proportions- unquestioningly obeying the diktat of their sponsors terrorists went on a killing spree, assassinating all those opposing Pakistani involvement in Kashmir and even those who questioned J&K’s accession to India and supported the ‘right to self determination’ weren’t spared.

While ‘azadi’ is as elusive today as it was more than three decades ago, its connotation too has undergone a complete change. After enticing people of J&K with promises of freedom and a glorious future, ISI realised that similar emotions encouraging secessionist ideology could well find a place in the minds of those living in Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir [PoJK], making Pakistan’s illegal occupation of this region difficult. So, without even consulting the people of J&K, the ISI replaced the very idea of ‘azadi’ by the “Kashmir banega Pakistan” [Kashmir will become part of Pakistan] slogan.

When its proxy Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front [JKLF] refused to give up its demand for ‘freedom’, ISI created the Hizbul Mujahideen [HM] terrorist group to decimate JKLF and propagate Pakistan’s weird interpretation of ‘azadi’ making it synonymous to J&K’s merger with Pakistan. By professing jihadist ideology and indulging in widespread killings, HM shed all pretence of fighting for the people of J&K and instead unashamedly worked as ISI’s proxy in J&K. The fact that HM chief Syed Salahuddin himself admitted that “we are fighting Pakistan’s war in Kashmir,” clearly indicates this group’s absolute subservience to ISI!

The Present

Emotions have cost the people of Kashmir dear, and having been the hapless victims of terrorism for more than three decades, there’s a need for them to dispassionately reflect upon what they have gained and lost from this ongoing cycle of senseless violence. It needs to be remembered that there’s no family in Kashmir that hasn’t suffered directly or indirectly due to the adverse fallouts of terrorism. While thousands of innocents have been killed and maimed, several properties have been destroyed and with tourism and normal life coming to a halt, employment avenues are few.

Thankfully, things have now changed for the better and with locals becoming more discerning, few now believe in Pakistan’s web of lies aimed at surreptitiously furthering its self-serving interests in Kashmir at the cost of its people. With few takers for the hybrid ‘azadi’ promise, terrorist groups in J&K are now increasingly relying on jihadist ideology for recruiting gullible youth. Proudly accepting that The Kashmiri movement was Islamised from day one,” Salahuddin reasons, “Why do you think an educated young man, who has a bright future otherwise, is willing to die? Is he mad?Azadiis not his objective. What will he do with azadi if he dies during the struggle? [Emphasis added].

The HM chief candidly admits that “He [the terrorist] is into militancy because he knows that if he dies for a noble cause, he would become a martyr, as per Islam. We tell him that he would get into the "real life" after this death and he would get peace.Khuda ussey raazi hoga. [Allah would be pleased with him]. [Emphasis added]. What needs to be noted here is that while Salahuddin is motivating young boys to join terrorist ranks by promising them salvation, he’s not been able to persuade even one out of his five sons to pick up the gun and enjoy “the real life” after death.

Similarly, though Hurriyat leaders too have been talking glibly of how terrorists killed in encounters are assured of a place in paradise, none of their own sons [save one] have availed this promised benefit despite all the worldly pleasures known to mankind that it supposedly provides. Junaid Ashraf Khan, son of former Tehreek-e-Hurriyat chairman Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai did join in 2018 and though appointed ‘Divisional Commander’ of HM, confined himself to Old Srinagar city as its labyrinth of narrow and interconnected alleys afforded natural protection till he ran out of luck two years later when was tracked down and eliminated in his hideout in the old city’s Nawakadal area.

Statistics clearly indicate that terrorists have extremely short existence. Just two weeks before the Hurriyat leader’s son was killed, HM’s ‘Operational chief’ Riyaz Naikoo met the same fate. Naikoo had replaced Zakir Musa, who turned rogue and joined Al Qaeda affiliate Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind in 2017. Musa, who himself was gunned down in 2019, had replaced Burhan Wani after the latter was killed during an encounter in 2016. Burhan Wani’s case is tragic and it exposes how both the Hurriyat and HM used this young boy as the proverbial ‘sacrificial lamb’ for their own self-serving interests.

Burhan Wani was more of a publicity seeker than a terrorist and thoroughly enjoyedthe attention his posts evoked on social media. Since security forces monitor social media, one had expected the Hurriyat and HM to advise this young boy against indiscreet use of internet as it could compromise his location and endanger his life. However, instead of doing so, they kept prodding him to continue posting on social media and thus pushed him to his death. After Wani’s death, Hurriyat organised prolonged protests with the generous supply of funds from across the Line of Control [LoC] through the hawala route, and on instructions of ISI organised a vicious campaign of torching educational institutions.

The Future

If we don’t learn from the three decades of Pakistan sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, then we will never be able to improve our lot. Pakistan’s claims on Kashmir have been outrightly rebuffed by the international community as they lack credibility. The UN’s refusal to entertain Islamabad’s request asking New Delhi to reverse its decision of abrogating Article 370 has completely demolished Pakistan’s farcical Kashmir narrative of it being “disputed,” and this reality cannot be wished away by rhetoric. The dividends of peace in J&K are now clearly visible and no one can deny that there’s been a marked improvement in both infrastructural development in this region and quality of life of its people.

Though Pakistan has not been able to realise its Kashmir dream even after using terrorism for more than three decades, Islamabad is not going to restrict, let alone eschew, disruptive activities in J&K. It may be debated that if the majority of the people in J&K are happy with their new found peace and prosperity, then why some local youth are still joining terrorism. The answer is simple-there are a group of people ranging from influencers, facilitators and even some leaders who are benefiting financially from ongoing terrorism in J&K, and they would go to any extent in ensuring the status quo. Then there is the gullible youth that can easily be brainwashed into believing that the killing of innocents has divine sanction and will earn them a place in paradise.

The adage ‘God helps those who help themselves’ has universal acceptability and as such the people of Kashmir need to understand that while support from other agencies is of great assistance, there can be no substitute for the inescapable requirement of the people of J&K to play their due role in facilitating return of normalcy. Punjab too was once the victim of cross-border terrorism spurred by demands for creation of an independent entity by breaking away from India- just like what J&K is experiencing. But Pakistan’s sinister plan failed due to rejection of this secessionist ideology by the local population and their whole hearted cooperation with the administration and security forces.

It’s time the people of J&K belonging to all sections of society put aside their petty differences and work together for ensuring the return of enduring peace and prosperity to this region, by outrightly rejecting violence in the garb of a futile ‘armed struggle’. In 2007, senior Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farook had admitted that military means [to resolve the Kashmir issue] have not achieved any results except creating more graveyards,” and even the most rabid supporters of the supposed ‘armed struggle’ can’t contradict this incisive observation.

So, instead of letting ongoing terrorism in J&K create more graveyards, isn’t it more prudent to bury the so-called ‘armed struggle’ itself?