News in English

My monthly mood swings are ruining my relationship


DEAR DEIDRE: MONTHLY mood swings are ruining my relationship.

I have a condition called PMDD, which makes me emotional and irritable around my periods. My boyfriend doesn’t understand, and we keep arguing.

I’m 19 and have had PMDD for a few years. It makes me feel depressed and anxious for more than a week before my period starts. 

My boyfriend is 20. We’ve been together for nine months.

Sometimes I get so angry I struggle to control my temper and even throw things.

He doesn’t want to be around me when I’m like that, which makes me feel worse. 

I’m worried he’s going to finish with me – but I love him. 

What can I do?

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DEIDRE SAYS: PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) is a very severe form of premenstrual syndrome that affects up to 10% of women.

Your boyfriend probably doesn’t understand what you’re experiencing. Explain it to him and give him my support pack on PMS to read.

Your condition is difficult to live with, but you sound like you are aware you can be unreasonable, so make the decision to learn how to control your temper.

Ask your doctor about treatments. Exercise and dietary changes can also help.

For emotional support contact Mind (



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