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Anti-MAGA conservative raises horrifying questions about Trump second-term pledge


Attendees at the Republican National Convention waved signs demanding "mass deportation now," echoing Donald Trump's campaign pledge, but conservative commentator Charlie Sykes wondered how exactly that policy could be carried out.

The former president's signature political issue has been purging the U.S. of undocumented migrants, whom he derides as inherently dangerous and filthy, and he has vowed to expand and stiffen the draconian policies he implemented in his first term if re-elected to serve a second, which Sykes told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" posed some horrifying questions.

"In the past he's talked about building the wall that he was never going to build," Sykes said. "This year, this party has coalesced around this mass deportation. I'm sure you saw them actually holding up signs, 'mass deportation,' and, you know, this is one of those moments where you kind of take a deep breath and they're talking now about the forcible removal of maybe more than 10 million migrants, and I keep banging on this drum, but I think we've got to ask questions about it. Who's going to do that? The police, military? Going deploy the National Guard, are they going to go house to house? Are they going to demand people's papers? Will they be put in mass detention camps? Are we going to see hundreds of thousands of people put in boxcars and sent across the border?"

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"So far we haven't gotten the details or the logistics, but the mood music is this is the Donald Trump that came down the golden escalator and talked about Mexican rapists, and he has not changed that tone," Sykes added. "This is going to be a central issue in this campaign, and I think that we need to litigate between now and November."

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