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Limited Biden Goes Terminal: Prepping a Supreme Court for Republican Feasting


I don’t know or care what Joe Biden’s golfing handicap is. The details of his putting stammer got lost at The Great Debate as he double-bogeyed through a tough night, leaving his Democrats bug-eyed. But one Biden handicap always has been clear, what one might gingerly call his “Wizard of Oz Scarecrow Factor.” His latest is his biggest doozy yet, a lame-brained proposal from one with an eponymous handicap.

After holding America, its economy, its borders, its energy and fuel, and its military hostage the past three years and seven months, he now wants to radically alter the United States Supreme Court.

Consider: Most Americans — especially Republican conservatives and believing Christians — support Israel strongly, but they do not follow its day-in/day-out news as I do. Even so, perhaps you may recall that — before Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis, raping women, cutting off heads, grabbing babies and baking them alive in kitchen ovens, and seizing hostages — Israeli civilian society was enmeshed in a vigorous, robust, and increasingly nasty national debate over an effort by the governing conservative Likud coalition to reform Israel’s Supreme Court.

Over the course of time, that court has become a corrupt appendage of the Marxist–Socialist class who set up its governing rules decades ago to ensure that, no matter what happens politically in Israel’s future, the Left always will dominate the Supreme Court. Thus, they begin with a heavily leftist court, with justices to the left of Obama judges. Then, when a justice retires, the replacement is named by a committee dominated by the other leftist justices sitting on that same court. That committee also includes (i) a non-judge lawyer who practices in front of those very jurists and therefore needs to remain on their good sides and is beholden to them, and (ii) a few representatives of the majority coalition and the opposition. There is more to say, and you can read it here. But, for the immediate purpose of this discussion, know that the duly elected democratic governing conservative coalition of Israel undertook to reform their corrupt Supreme Court.

Israeli leftists burst into an uproar at the time, desperately trying to save their last relic of power, and they turned to international anti-Semites like Soros-funded institutions to finance regular mass street demonstrations and more, aiming to take down the duly elected government by means of street riots that make our Jan. 6 incident seem like Christmas.

Amid all that craziness in Israel, Joe Biden decided to butt in personally, sticking his nose where it did not belong. We Americans do not want Putin or Trudeau or Macron telling us how to run our courts, and Israelis were shocked that Biden had the temerity to boss them around, sticking his unwanted two cents into Israel’s internal matter. The thrust of Biden’s unwarranted interference was that, if Israel wanted continued support from his administration, they better not reform or alter their Supreme Court in any way.

Jump ahead a year, with Biden sinking like the Bismarck to the bottom of the sea, and suddenly he now is grasping at new straws above the surface to induce disgusted Democrats to rally to his candidacy and to stop demanding that he quit. As a result, he suddenly wakes up during a moment of cognizance and announces that, if elected again, he will mangle America’s Supreme Court and will impose term limits. In fact, actually let’s impose those limits right now, before he gets term-limited in four months. That’s Biden’s latest brainstorm (so to speak).

Smart, huh?  Yeah. Smart by half.

Let’s say Biden and the Democrats were to win this November, which can happen by means of month-long voting, social media manipulation and censorship of conservatives, balloting by mail, vote harvesting, unchecked ballot box stuffing, no identification needed, and illegals voting. And then they change the Supreme Court to switch life tenure to term limits.

Biden is evil by suggesting that we alter the Supreme Court’s constitutional life tenure paradigm. If life tenure bothers him and his Democrats so much, why have they never demanded an end to academic tenure among university faculty? Why did Democrats never demand Supreme Court term limits during the Clinton and Obama years or during the Warren Court’s reign of the 1960s? They never imagined the court would enter a period of conservatism. After having blasted and threatened legitimate conservative efforts in Israel a year ago to reform their left-biased courts, Biden is hypocritical by advocating a dramatic change in the American judiciary that overturns his unconstitutional edicts. He manifests desperation now by grandstanding in such an obscene way four months before the election. And he is a fool for signaling his intentions now to destroy our democracy’s critical judicial buffer instead of waiting patiently until after the election.

Justices and judges must be as impartial as possible. They are human, and we all know that they enter the court with personal ideals and beliefs. They are supposed to be above their own predilections and to adhere objectively to the law. Some do it better. Some do it a bit. Some never do. Regardless, the goal is to keep judges as objective as possible. Likewise, that is a problem with having local judges attain office by popular vote. Many wrestle with knowing that, if they adjudicate honestly but unpopularly, they will inherit reward in Heaven but reap a whirlwind of disaster at the ballot box. Many local judges compromise their judicial integrity to remain in office, playing to the voters. That is why our Founding Fathers ensured that, at least, Article III federal judges would have life tenure to protect their integrity from pressures by the mob.

If politics is about reading tea leaves, all the tea in China won’t get Biden congressional passage of such a radical departure now. The GOP controls the House. The Democrats have a 51–49 edge in the Senate. If two Democrat senators vote against, the proposal will be dead on arrival. Every Biden sycophant engaged in a tough reelection campaign in a red state — like Jon Tester (Montana), Sherrod Brown (Ohio), and others — will be tainted if voting as a Biden lapdog just these remaining few weeks before the November elections.

Very importantly, there is a profoundly urgent takeaway amid all this. If the Republicans win the presidency and both houses this November, then the GOP absolutely must make a top priority of legislating a constitutionally conforming ban on any future tinkering with the Supreme Court — perhaps even a constitutional amendment to that effect. (They also should restrict future Democrat shenanigans aimed at packing the electoral college by adding carefully targeted leftist polities as new states.)

It took a lame-brained proposal by a sadly lame-brained president to signal the Republicans that they must secure a nine-justice, life-tenured Supreme Court for the long haul.

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The post Limited Biden Goes Terminal: Prepping a Supreme Court for Republican Feasting appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.