News in English

KSU | Faculty Web - Laurie Dias

Welcome to my faculty webpage. I am a Professor at Kennesaw State University. I mentor doctoral students and teach undergraduate and graduate level courses on technology integration, internet tools and research in instructional technology. I currently serve as the Faculty Fellow for Doctoral Programs and as the Personalized Learning Endorsement coordinator. Early in my education career, I taught for 10 years in K-12 education as an English/Language Arts teacher, media specialist and instructional technology specialist. After earning my doctorate, I worked at Georgia State University for 13 years. I came to KSU in Fall 2013. Facilitating learning is one of my passions. As a teacher and mentor, I strive to provide students' with opportunities to connect their experiences and prior knowledge to course content, to collaborate and construct knowledge, and to use a variety of technologies to mediate the teaching and learning process. In addition to teaching, I enjoy exploring problems, askin...