Understanding Your Home's Main Circuit Breaker | Happy Hiller
Posted March 28, 2019 Performing electrical repairs in your home require you to understand how to use the main circuit breaker. Your homes main circuit breaker controls the distribution of electricity to each room. The circuit breaker manages the connection between your home and your utility company.The utility company pumps electricity to your home through a service drop electrical line. The power from your service drop never shuts off, but your circuit breaker can stop the power from flowing through to your house. So, everything you need to perform electrical work or restore power after an overload is in the breaker box.This article provides a complete guide to understanding your homes main circuit breaker. Astep-by-step reference guidethat teaches you about everything you see when you look at the breaker box. And, learn the difference between the main breaker and the branch breaker.This guide is for educational purposes only.Before performing any electrical repairs on your own, you...