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11 U.S. Christians still jailed after evangelism


(WORTHY NEWS) – There was concern Wednesday about the plight of 11 Christian leaders sentenced to 12 or 15 years in prison and ordered to pay $880 million. Several sources said they have also been barred from contacting their families and lawyers.

Authorities linked to autocratic President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, jailed the Christians recently after nearly 1 million people reportedly attended their massive evangelism rallies. Organizers said that “Thousands choose Christ” and that “miracles abound” during the gatherings.

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The 11 sentenced leaders, who must individually pay $80 million, were imprisoned and convicted on what their supporters view as trumped-up money laundering charges. The Mountain Gateway group has vehemently denied the allegations, saying the charges appear to have been fabricated as the “authoritarian regime” of Nicaragua felt threatened by •the success” of the outreaches.

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