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Paul Begala: 'Walls closing in' on Biden as 'donors are on strike'


Former Bill Clinton White House strategist Paul Begala told CNN on Thursday that things are looking bleak for President Joe Biden, as the whole of Democratic leadership moves to push him out.

"I know you've been on the phone with officials for weeks now discussing President Biden's future, and I am curious what you have noticed in terms of the disposition that he is said to have by those talking to him?" said anchor John Berman.

"I'm obviously not talking to the president and his team hasn't really frankly communicated with me," admitted Begala. However, he continued, "I've been talking to a lot of people, a lot of remember in the Senate and House, major donors, activists, party chairs, and I got to tell you, I think I've come across one who's still riding for Biden. Okay, I'm just telling you honestly, just — I'm not advocating a point of view. I'm just analyzing. So the walls are closing in."

Former House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is the most important person in these discussions, Begala continued.

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"You know, it's like that Carrie Underwood song, 'Jesus Take the Wheel.' I've been saying, Nancy take the wheel. And when Nancy steps in ... it's because Nancy Pelosi, also, Chuck Schumer, Schumer went and now Hakeem Jeffries, when they weigh in, he has to listen."

"It comes down to money, maps and polls, okay," said Begala. "The money has dried up. I can tell you that I raised money for a lot of super PACs. It is — donors are on strike to the tune of somebody reported $90 million. It's more like $300 million. The people are sitting on — saying we're not going to give. The maps are deteriorating so fast that the lieutenant governor of New York says it's now a swing state. People talk about losing New Jersey, Minnesota, and the polling is terrible, especially in the swing states. So you can't fight money, maps, and polls in this business."

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Paul Begala says the "walls are closing in"