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PG - Tour de France 2024 Stage 19


The Course

Over 4500 metres of climbing on a short 144km stage. An MTF finish on Isola 2000. None of the climbs are the toughest but so much climbing on a short stage will wear riders out. Haven’t checked the weather but if it’s a day for headwinds, then big time gaps are unlikely but will that stop Visma from trying something?


When it comes to picking a winner here, we have what is becoming the age old problem of ‘what will Pog do?’. It used to be we’d know the team of the leader would ride this defensively but that’s not the UAE way. If it’s a GC day it’s the same names. If it’s a break then the riders in form are Carapaz and Simon coming back from his first week Covid. As it is, stage 18 is currently going along with UAE seemingly worried about Visma have 2 up the road and not letting the gap really grow so assuming Visma put riders up the road on this stage, my guess is UAE will ride the same way and it will comeback together on the final climb.

Here's your start list.

The Rules

In this game, only the race results matter. You're not committed to keeping the same riders throughout the series, you make fresh picks before every race. Our overall competition is just the sum of individual race scores. You're eligible for the overall even if you miss some races.

Pick 4 riders for the upcoming race. The order of your picks doesn't matter. All of your riders can score.

Riders score points down to 10th place. Less popular riders score more points than heavily-picked favourites. See below for scoring details.

The strict entry deadline is the official start time of the race, the neutralized roll-out or Départ Fictif. Be warned - if your post is timestamped one minute late your entry won't count! So do remember that there's no disadvantage to getting an entry in early, even the day before, because you may always change your picks up until the deadline. Feel free to rethink your picks when it emerges which riders are more or less popular with other players. If you make changes, post your revised 4 picks in a reply to your original post.

The Scoring

The last 3 races will be secret entry between the top contenders… To avoid defensive picking.

When we say top contenders we leave the number open because who knows how many will be within striking distance...

We will notify you by email if we need you to do a secret entry.

The Results

Head over to the spreadsheet to check how you fared. Any issues, please email us on...