2024 Emmy nominations: Best prediction scores by our Editors and Users
Congratulations to our User david_sb5 for an amazing score of 81.82% when predicting the 2024 Emmy nominations on Wednesday morning. Our top scorer is just ahead of lhdang2000 at 81.12% and has a great point score of 22,349 by using the two Super Bets (500 points each) wisely.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We published a score report Wednesday morning, but it had miscalculations on category numbers. This current report has correct numbers and percentages.
Over 3,500 people worldwide predicted these 76th annual Primetime Emmy nominations in 25 categories with our top scorer getting 117 of 141 nominee slots correct. That included all of the nominees for Best Comedy Series, Actress, Best Drama Supporting Actor and Best Limited Series. The nominations were announced by previous Emmy winners Tony Hale and Sheryl Lee Ralph.
You can see how your score compares to all others in our leaderboard rankings of all contestants, which also includes links to see each participant’s predictions. To see your own scores, go to the User menu in the top right corner of every page of Gold Derby when you’re signed in to the site. Use the drop down menu to go to “View Profile,” then look for the links to your “Award Show Scores.”
For our 12 Gold Derby Editors predicting, Tom O’Neil is in first place with 78.32% correct. Up next is a three-way tie for Matt Noble, Paul Sheehan and myself at 77.62%. Marcus Dixon follows at 75.52% and then a three-way tie at 74.83% for Denton Davidson, Daniel Montgomery and Ray Richmond. Joyce Eng is next at 74.13% and then Rob Licuria and Christopher Rosen at 72.03%, followed by Charles Bright at 71.33%. See Editors’ scores.
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