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RNC cheers former Trump adviser who literally just got out of prison


Former senior Trump adviser Peter Navarro was released from prison on Wednesday—and headed straight for the stage of the Republican National Convention.

Navarro served four months in a federal prison in Miami for refusing to cooperate with a congressional investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection that his former boss incited.

If there was any doubt that the GOP is the party of convicted felons, Navarro’s reception at the convention was easily the most enthusiastic so far. He took the stage to a standing ovation and chants of “Welcome home” that lasted almost two minutes.

After making a hack prison tattoo joke, Navarro played the persecution card, crying that if he and former Trump adviser and fellow convicted criminal Steve Bannon can end up in prison for breaking the law, so can anyone who breaks the law.

For all of their “law and order” talk—and there’s been plenty of that at the convention so far—Republicans sure do love their criminals.

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