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Bahamas sets sights on becoming hub for Caribbean Baseball

The Bahamas Baseball Association is aiming to become the central hub for baseball in the Caribbean, marked by the recent unveiling of the Andre Rodgers Stadium in Nassau.

The state-of-the-art facility hosted its first major event, the 4thCaribbean Baseball Cup in 2022, and has since set the stage for a future filledwith promise for baseball in the region.

The stadium boasts a modern synthetic field and seating for 5,000fans, meeting professional standards. Its opening has generated considerableinterest outside the Bahamas, attracting the attention of internationalbaseball communities.

This year alone, the Bahamas is set to host two events under the Caribbean Baseball Confederation (COCABE) – the U-15 Cup from 6-13 August and the sixth edition of the Caribbean Baseball Cup in October.

The Bahamas Baseball Association (BBA) and the local organising committee of the U-15 tournament have provided an excellent venue for baseball in a country known for its hospitality. Now, they are channelling efforts to promote baseball, further leveraging the country’s strengths.

The Bahamas are ranked 59th in the WBSC/KONAMI Men's Baseball World Ranking and organising both national and international competitions is another step toward Bahamas Baseball Association's dream of becoming the hub for Caribbean Baseball.