News in English

My boyfriend is so hot but brings nothing else to the party


DEAR DEIDRE: My boyfriend has male-model looks but no idea about how to treat a woman. He’s constantly playing with my emotions. I’m starting to question whether he’s using me.

I met him when he came into the shop where I work, to try on some jeans.

He is gorgeous so I was in such a flap that he left without me giving him a receipt. He came back in to ask for it and said, “While you’re at it, can I get your Instagram?”

I am 21 and I fell for him there and then. He messaged that evening, then we met up in a pub, ending the evening with sex at my bedsit.

He’s 25, and was sofa-surfing with various friends so I told him he could stay with me for a bit. He’s been with me for three months and I thought we would be good together.

If I’m honest I feel pretty disappointed. I feel rejected a lot of the time. He doesn’t show he loves me, the sex isn’t great anymore and he never pays a thing towards the bills.

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DEIDRE SAYS: You’re right. This isn’t a partnership. He’s taking advantage of your kind nature.

Don’t let his handsome face bewitch you.

Ask yourself what he brings to the table and from what you’ve written, his good looks are where it starts and ends. Value yourself and accept that he’s not the one.



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