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STUDY Why your relationship with your advisor is so important | Hey Sunny

Your academic advisor is an important person in your college career. They know your degree requirements, can help plan your courses and can answer any questions you have about your experience. They’ll either answer your question themselves, or help you find the resources you need. In my experience, building a relationship with your advisor can have a huge impact on your college career. I met my academic advisor before I even officially became a Sun Devil, while I was still a senior in high school, and she has been my greatest advocate throughout my four years at ASU.I’m a senior now, and thanks in part to my advisor, Debbie Daly, I’ve found a major I love and have been able to navigate college life and graduate in four years, all while balancing my goals for my future career.They help you find your happy placeDuring my first year, I started turning to my advisor while I was struggling with loneliness and deep homesickness. I found myself lacking motivation to continue my education, and...