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Research Guides Home: Films & Video @ ATU Libraries: Know Your Rights

Why are some videos/ DVDs labeled "Home Use Only?"Vendors or publishers want to remind consumers that videos and DVDs should not be shown to the public as this is an exclusive right of the rights holder. There is an exception to the public performance rights that allows non-profit, educational institutions the right to publicly perform videos/DVDs for non-profit, educational purposes.Can I show an entire DVD in the distance educational classroom via digital networks?The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act of 2002 says only portions of DVDs can be screened in the distance classroom. However, fair use may apply when it is necessary to show the entire film to meet the teaching need.Educators and students use YouTube videos for classroom or assignment purposes. Are these uses lawful?If associated with a license agreement, it may be a breach of contract (but not an infringement of copyright) to use the videos for anything but private, non-commercial use. However,...