News in English

UK voting by education and class


Interesting data in UK exit poll.

  • Brits with degrees voted 66% left and 26% right
  • Brits with just GCSE voted 41% left and 54% right
  • High social class voted 57% left and 36% right
  • Low social class voted 50% left and 43% right
  • Students voted 78% left and 13% right
  • Retired voted 37% left and 57% right
  • Top income quintile voted 62% left and 32% right
  • Bottom income quintile voted 52% left and 41% right
  • 25% of 2019 Conservative voters voted Reform

Like in NZ the left does worse with the working class!

The post UK voting by education and class first appeared on Kiwiblog.