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‘There’s so much to unpack here’ people say as they struggle to tell difference between woman’s husband & her BROTHER


A WOMAN has left people in shock after revealing that her best friend’s brother and husband look exactly the same.

Emmy Mabin took to TikTok to share a clip of the two men, and many struggled to tell them apart.

The two men look extremely similar
TikTok @meemamabin
They have the same hairstyle and moustache
TikTok @meemamabin

“When your best friend marries another version of her brother”, she said.

In the video, viewers are first shown a man in his twenties with brown hair, a mullet and a thick moustache.

The man is wearing wide leg jeans, black converse and a brown t-shirt.

The camera then pans across the room to show another man leaning on the kitchen counter top.

The second man has exactly the same hairstyle, and is also sporting a thick moustache.

He is wearing exactly the same shoes as the first man, and his t-shirt and jeans, though different colours to man number one’s, are the exact same style and fit.

“Guess who is who” Emmy said.

The video, which was posted under the username @meemamabin, has like left many people in shock, as it has racked up over 5.9 million followers on the video-sharing platform.

TikTok users raced to the comments section to share their thoughts.

One person said: “I couldn’t even date anyone with the same name as someone in my family”.

A second person said: “If a man even wears the same cologne as one of my brothers I am deterred”.

A third person said: “You’re telling me they aren’t twins?”

A fourth person added: “This feels so wrong”.

Relationships in numbers: The most common way to meet someone

YouGov looked into how Brits find love, and your best bet is at work or through friends according to the data.

  • Through work – 18%
  • Through friends – 18%
  • While out and about – 15%
  • Other – 11%
  • Online dating platform – 7%
  • University or higher education – 6%
  • Dating app – 6%
  • School – 5%
  • Shared hobby – 5%
  • Family – 3%
  • Face to face at an event – 0%

A fifth chimed in: “I want to know what their reactions were when they met for the first time”.

A sixth remarked: “I know someone who’s married to someone that looks extremely like his sister.

“It creeps me out all the time because they can pass as twins”.

A seventh person said: “There’s so much to unpack here”.

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