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ADHD and Boredom: Is There a Link?

ADHD boredom may feel particularly frustrating and lead to feelings of restlessness.If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you may feel as though you get bored more easily than others, particularly when things aren’t challenging enough. This can become a source of daily frustration and make it hard to stay focused and motivated.Understanding the connection between ADHD and boredom can help you develop strategies to manage and minimize its impact on your life.Are people with ADHD more prone to boredom?Individuals with ADHD tend to require higher levels of stimulation and often have difficulty maintaining attention. This can make mundane or repetitive tasks feel particularly tedious to people with ADHD, increasing their susceptibility to boredom.Several studies have demonstrated a link between boredom and attention difficulties. A 2020 study found a strong association between ADHD and “trait boredom,” which is when someone is predisposed to boredom. A 2016 study als...