News in English

Bridge: July 13, 2024


Simple Saturday columns focus on basic technique and logical thinking.

Today’s South opens 2NT on his fine hand and lands at 3NT after North uses Stayman. When West leads the jack of spades, South may be surprised — and dismayed — at the sight of dummy: A contract of five diamonds might be safer, and six diamonds would be a reasonable undertaking.

But the auction is over. South must focus on the actual contract, not one he might prefer. How should he play?

If the diamonds break 3-2, South has no worries: He is sure of six diamonds, two hearts, two spades and a club. But what if diamonds break 4-1 (a 28 percent chance)?


After winning the first spade, South gets an extra chance by leading the A-K and a third heart. When the hearts break 3-3, dummy’s fourth heart in a winner, and dummy has a diamond entry. South wins two spades, three hearts, three diamonds and one club.

If hearts failed to break evenly, South could still hope for a 3-2 diamond break.


You hold: S A K 3 H A K 2 D K 4 C A 7 5 4 2. Both vulnerable. Your partner deals and opens three diamonds. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: Bid six diamonds. If partner has 6,765,AQ109532,J3, he will have 12 tricks. If you want to gamble, bid 4NT, Blackwood, and try seven diamonds if partner has an ace. If he has the hand above, he might set up your fifth club for the 13th trick. But speculative grand slams are a bad bet.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable


S 8 2

H 7 5 4 3

D A Q 6 5 3 2

C 3


S J 10 9 6 4

H Q 10 6

D 9

C K J 9 8


S Q 7 5

H J 9 8

D J 10 8 7

C Q 10 6


S A K 3

H A K 2

D K 4

C A 7 5 4 2

South West North East
2 NT Pass 3 C Pass
3 D Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — S J

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