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'Democracy should be here to stay': Bill Maher puts the screws to Kevin McCarthy


Bill Maher on Friday evening put former GOP lawmaker Kevin McCarthy on the spot on HBO's Real Time.

McCarthy, who was ousted from his position as the Republican Speaker of the House before being replaced by Mike Johnson, aired his grievances to Maher about representatives who lie about why they vote for or against certain bills. It's because they want a raise, but they won't tell that to the American people, McCarthy said.

"Those are the people I like to challenge," he added.

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Then, McCarthy appears to step in a trap when he starts ranting against high inflation and "wide-open borders" that he said didn't exist when Trump was the president.

Maher hit him with a stinging clapback: "Inflation comes and goes. Democracy should be here to stay."

McCarthy said President Joe Biden is the true threat to democracy, citing Hunter Biden's laptop.

"Oh, for f---'s sake," Maher sighed.

"You can't say that!" McCarthy replied.

"I just did," Maher told him.

McCarthy said a poll found people thought Biden was a threat to democracy, and Maher said, "That doesn't make it right."

Then, McCarthy falsely claimed that Trump's Justice Department never prosecuted the ex-president's enemies. In fact, Trump prosecuted his former fixer and lawyer, Michael Cohen.

"He himself was indicted!" Maher shouted. "That's the point."

On social media, some complained about Maher hosting McCarthy, while others praised the interview.

@RRWORK1 wrote, "We need to have Bill Maher interview more Republicans like Kevin McCarthy. Good job!"