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'Thoughts and prayers': Mockery erupts after Rudy Giuliani loses bankruptcy case


Rudy Giuliani's bankruptcy case was dismissed in court on Friday, and legal analysts can't help but laugh at the misfortune and karmic smackdown.

Giuliani faced a significant judgment against him from two election workers who said he lied and was creating some kind of 2020 election conspiracy. The women, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, sued for defamation and were granted $148 million judgment the Giuliani must pay.

He immediately filed for bankruptcy protections, but those efforts were dashed on Friday, delivering a much-needed moment of levity to liberals facing near non-stop anti-Joe Biden punditry on cable news.

Read Also: Giuliani lost his law license — but not his honorary degrees from these five universities

The judge went further, attacking Giuliani for a "lack of financial transparency" about his finances. It was something the judge called "particularly troubling."

"The collection 'fun' should commence next week. Moss & Freeman are being represented pro bono by @WillkieFarr, a large and prestigious firm. I guarantee you that they will leave no stone unturned in order to strip indicted criminal Giuliani of almost everything he owns and earns," said Richard Signorelli, a former assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Others were quick to make jokes about the former New York City mayor. A few posted some of Giuliani's worst photos, others added gifs, and one wished "thoughts and prayers."

"Sometimes the good guys win," writer Molly Jong-Fast quipped on the social media site X.

"If I had a friend that had destroyed his ability to earn an income and international reputation in service to me, I would reach out and help him financially if he fell on hard times. Especially if I claimed to be a billionaire that could afford to easily… #JustSaying," writes Luther Willis-Dudich, referring to Trump refusing to help Giuliani.

"These are Trump’s people. Funny how he attracts the worst of the worst," said teacher Sarah Kowalske.

"Rudy Giuliani went from America’s mayor to America’s most wanted," posted investor Daniel Micovic.

"I hope Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman get every penny Rudy Giuliani has left," wrote Lauren Baratz-Longsted.

"Womp womp," said Amy Siskind, making the "sand trombone" sound in writing.