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'So the despotic threats worked?': Outrage as Facebook lifts limits on Trump's accounts


Critics shredded Meta's decision to ease restrictions placed on former President Donald Trump's Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Axios reported Friday the social media titan planned to soon roll back limits it placed on Trump's accounts as it aimed to allow for more parity leading up to the Nov. 5 election. The tech giant said a minor violation could lead to his accounts being suspended up to two years or restricted.

The move comes more than a year after he was reinstated to the platforms but with limits such as suspensions and advertising restrictions for violating company rules.

Read also: Trolling, erotica, vulgarity: Trump, Biden Facebook pages are unmitigated trash heaps

Stunned social media critics blasted the decision.

"So the despotic threats worked?" asked @JenBaty, pointing to Trump's threat on Truth Social that the "ZUCKERBUCKS (sic)," a reference to Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg, "will be sent to prison for long periods of time."

Trump has previously said Zuckerberg "cheated" in the 2020 election.

"Why isn't he being prosecuted?" he wrote last year. "The Democrats only know how to cheat. America isn't going to take it much longer!"

@_johnnymaga wrote, "He was dominating Meta before. Wow."

"Trump has violated @Meta's rules countless times since he was reinstated. This move only codifies the special treatment that was already in place," said @timothydurigan.

"lol," wrote @combienDUtemps. "So will the give President Biden an account that he can stream lies from as well?