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Exclusive: U.S. Military is “Fundamentally and Systematically Infected” With Leftist Ideology, and the Slides Prove It Says Inside Source

Image: Wikimedia Commons

The Gateway Pundit reported  on an anti-terrorism brief, first exposed on social media by Sam Shoemate, or @samosaur on X, held at Fort Liberty on July 10, which “listed several Pro-Life organizations as ‘terrorist organizations.’”

In a statement to The Gateway Pundit, Fort Liberty officials said, “After conducting a commander’s inquiry, we determined that these slides were not vetted by the appropriate approval authorities and do not reflect the views of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty, the U.S. Army, or the Department of Defense.”

“The slides were developed by a local garrison employee to train Soldiers manning access control points at Fort Liberty.  These slides will no longer be used, and all future training products will be reviewed to ensure they align with the current DoD anti-terrorism guidance.”

Interestingly, Shoemate was able to provide a compelling rebuttal, sharing on X that “[the slide] has been a part of training for military police and [Access Control Point] for years.” For evidence, he provided a link to a video posted on June 9, 2023, that used the same slide. As of last night, a second whistleblower has come forward, a member of the Provost Marshal and military police, to state that the slides have been used since at least the mid-2000’s to train personnel.

George Lincoln (a pseudonym) is the service member who shared the original image of the slide presentation and most of the information regarding the incident that has been widely circulated on X in recent days. He spoke to The Gateway Pundit using a pseudonym due to concerns of reprisals from the Department of Defense and/or Department of the Army.

Considering the use of the same slide in 2023, Lincoln said, “it’s pretty easy for anyone to see that this is clearly not a one-off fluke, or one that just happened to slip through the cracks.” But according to him, “This kind of stuff has been happening for as long as I’ve been in [the Army].”

“For 50 percent of today’s Army,” he argued, slides depicting various pro-life entities as a terror threat is “morally normal” and is rarely questioned. “Secular society is pushing out God to such a degree that even the mention of God could be an equal opportunity violation,” he disclosed.

There’s a reason no one is speaking up about the rampant assault on religious or moral convictions, Lincoln pointed out. “Most of those that would have are no longer around post-COVID,” he explained. “They’ve been pushed out of the Army.”

When the now-rescinded 2021 COVID-19 military shot mandate went into effect, requests for religious accommodation were blanketly denied. “We were all basically told you have to get this vaccine whether you agree with it or not,” he said. “Most of the soldiers who had any kind of moral compass or intestinal fortitude to stand up against it were forcibly retired, kicked out, or chose to leave on their own.”

“Most of the people who took the fall were leaders; they were NCOs and officers in positions of power,” Lincoln noted. “Just about anyone who stood up against the vaccine is gone, and the people who remain are either willingly ignorant, just trying to do their time and get a pension, or intentionally malicious by pushing a leftist agenda.” A year and a half after the mandate has been rescinded, he said, “we’re now at a point where we have a lot of yes men filling the ranks.”

“I only survived because of my faith,” Lincoln said, adding that “my career could burn at any moment—and that’s fine, as I have my duty to Christ.” Despite the risk, he said, “those of us who are in a position to speak up and reveal what’s happening on the inside have a duty to do so for the sake of the future of our Army.”

The Army lost thousands of soldiers, while recruiting efforts continue to dwindle. All the while, Lincoln pointed out “we’re lowering the standards,” both physically and mentally. “Ask any combat arms leader today, NCO or officer, and they will tell you the same thing. Our military is getting weaker and less intelligent year-after-year.”

What’s more, he said, “we’ve demonized the normal primary demographic of Western military—young, white men.” And for clarity, he said, “that’s not a statement on race as a whole, but purely a statement on the demographics that once made a great commitment to help keep our Army the greatest fighting force in the world.”

“People aren’t joining the military because they see this woke garbage, things touted in briefings that label you a terrorist or problematic if you have any sort of moral compass,” Lincoln pointed out. “Many good, young men aren’t going to join the military because they’re seeing very clearly that they’re a problem for today’s military because of what they believe.”

“The whole military is fundamentally and systematically infected with an ideology that is diametrically opposed to the fundamental mission of our armed forces: increasing lethality and winning wars,” Lincoln lamented. Because of this, he is “pushing for substantial change” to be enacted. “I’ve spoken to congressmen and their staffers, letting them know this can’t keep happening and something has to change or impact to our nation’s military will soon be irreversible.”

He asserted, “We are at a seminal point in world history. International conflict with our adversaries grows daily, and instead of preparing for this conflict by hardening our bodies and minds, we are indoctrinating our most junior servicemen with blatantly politicized briefs.”

In conclusion, Lincoln warned, “We will win the next war we fight, as we have the material and we have the technology, but tens of thousands will die unnecessarily at the hands of incompetent leaders put into their positions due to DEI initiatives and the mass exodus of real leaders in the past decade.”

Veterans like Jeremy Sorenson, Briana Cespedes, John Frankman, and many others are also pushing for the House Armed Services Committee to tackle various issues that continue to plague the nation’s military.

The post Exclusive: U.S. Military is “Fundamentally and Systematically Infected” With Leftist Ideology, and the Slides Prove It Says Inside Source appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.