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(AUDIO) Clips From Biden’s Edited Interview With Milwaukee Radio Station – Trump Hater Jake Tapper Calls The Move “a Big Journalism No No”

Biden reads off of pre-approved list for questions at “big boy” press conference on Thursday.

Newly released audio of Biden’s pre-recorded interview with a Milwaukee-based radio station apparently reveals what the station deceptively edited out of their interview with Biden last week.

Biden sat for two pre-recorded interviews last week following his disastrous debate – one with Wisconsin-based WAUK and the other with Philly-based WURD.

Both interviews aired last Thursday morning.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Biden was recently caught sending pre-scripted questions to WURD, which led to host Andrea Lawful-Sanders’s firing earlier this week.

Additionally, yesterday, it was revealed that host Earl Ingram (WAUK) also received scripted questions from the Biden White House, who later DEMANDED the station edit the pre-recorded interview–and they did.

Civic Media management admitted in a statement that they removed unfavorable parts of Biden’s interview and still defended Earl Ingram and his team, claiming the decision was “made in good faith.”

“On Monday, July 8th, it was reported to Civic Media management that immediately after the phone interview was recorded, the Biden campaign called and asked for two edits to the recording before it aired. Civic Media management immediately undertook an investigation and determined that the production team at the time viewed the edits as non-substantive and broadcast and published the interview with two short segments removed,” the station said in a statement on Thursday.

Milwaukee Radio Station Admits Biden Campaign Demanded They Edit Joe Biden’s Interview to Remove Unfavorable Portions – And They Consented – Here Are the Edits

This also comes after a report from the far-left New York Times--of all places--which reveals that the top White House correspondent not only uses a translation headset to understand Biden's gibberish but that the Biden Regime also recently pressured the outlet to alter a transcription of Biden’s use of the word “goodest,” a made-up word.

The two edits, according to Civic Media management:

At time 5:20, the removal of “…and in addition to that, I have more Blacks in my administration than any other president, all other presidents combined, and in major positions, cabinet positions.”

At time 14:15, in reference to Donald Trump’s call for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, the removal of “I don’t know if they even call for their hanging or not, but he–but they said […] convicted of murder.”

Below is reportedly the leaked cut, though the sourcing is unclear:

It is unclear why the request was made to edit this portion of the interview.

Even leftist Trump-hater Jake Tapper, while trying his best to defend Biden's remarks, condemned the Biden camp's decision to pressure the radio station, calling it "a big journalism no, no," as if CNN had not made similar deceitful editorial decisions in the past.

Watch below:

Tapper: After President Biden called in for a radio interview, one of these interviews done to kind of quell concerns sure the President was fine, completely on his—on point. After he did that call, the Biden campaign called that station, asking them to edit out two of his answers. Pacific Media, a Wisconsin progressive talk radio network, acknowledged that staff took out the Biden campaign’s suggested edits, deleting two answers from the President's July 3 interview with host Earl Ingram. The first answer is Biden said, “I have more blacks in my administration. than any other president, all other Presidents combined did in major positions, cabinet positions.” obviously, not an inaccurate thing to say. The second was Biden talking about Trump’s past comments about the Central Park Five, and we should note this is a big journalism no, no, editing out an answer because the politician and his campaign didn't like it or they didn't like how we came across. I don't know exactly the reason. We'll find out from the Biden campaign maybe someday.

The post (AUDIO) Clips From Biden’s Edited Interview With Milwaukee Radio Station – Trump Hater Jake Tapper Calls The Move “a Big Journalism No No” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.