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10 mistakes that can cost executives their dream job, according to a corporate recruiter of 25 years

Corporate recruiter, Deepali Vyas says the difference between executives landing their dream job or being rejected often comes down to the smallest details.
  • Elite recruiter Deepali Vyas has seen top executives sabotage job prospects with avoidable mistakes.
  • Common errors include outdated LinkedIn profiles, poor networking, and generic applications.
  • Executives must prioritize their online presence, tailored applications, and interview etiquette.

After nearly 25 years of headhunting for the corporate elite, I've seen it all. From Fortune 500 CEOs to unicorn startup founders, I've placed hundreds of CEOs, CFOs, chief technology officers, and other top-tier executives in career-defining roles.

But here's the kicker: even the most brilliant minds in business can fumble the ball when it comes to landing their dream job.

Let me pull back the curtain on the 10 most cringe-worthy mistakes I've witnessed. These mistakes have cost exceptional candidates their shot at the corner office.

1. Digital ghosts: The LinkedIn lurkers

In today's digital jungle, there's nothing more infuriating than trying to stalk — I mean, research — a candidate only to hit a virtual brick wall. Or worse, stumbling upon a LinkedIn profile so outdated it might as well be carved in stone tablets. I can't count how many times I've asked, "Why are you making me Google you?" It's 2024, folks. Your digital presence is your first impression. Neglect it at your peril.

Pro tip: Your online presence is a critical part of your personal brand and should be cultivated throughout your career.

Keep that LinkedIn profile current and compelling, actively engage with industry content to showcase your expertise, and invest in a high-quality, professional headshot. Remember, your digital first impression should scream "executive material," not "casual Friday at a family reunion."

2. The 'I know everyone' syndrome

You'd think C-suite execs would be networking ninjas. But I've seen too many candidates rest on their laurels, assuming their existing Rolodex (yes, some still have those) is enough. News flash: the business world moves fast. If you're not constantly expanding your network, you're falling behind.

Pro tip: Treat networking like a vital organ — it needs constant care and attention to keep you alive in this game.

Attend industry events, join new professional groups, and for the love of all that's holy, accept those LinkedIn connection requests.

3. The copy-paste catastrophe

Nothing makes me cringe harder than receiving a generic résumé or cover letter. Yes, even for C-level positions. I once had a candidate send me a cover letter addressed to the wrong company. Ouch.

Pro tip: Tailor every single application.

Show me you've done your homework on the company, the role, and the challenges they're facing. Generic applications scream, "I'm not that interested," even if you are.

4. The 'I'll wing it' wipeout

Imagine this: A tech giant CEO walks into an interview for a dream role, confident they can charm their way through based on past glories. Thirty minutes later, they're stumbling over basic questions about the company's recent pivot. I've seen it happen, and it's not pretty.

Pro tip: Prepare like your career depends on it — because it does.

Know the company inside and out. Be ready to discuss its challenges and opportunities and how you'd tackle them from day one.

5. The nostalgia trap

War stories are great at the bar, but not so much in an interview. I've watched brilliant execs spend 90% of an interview reliving their glory days, forgetting to connect those experiences to the challenges of the role they're interviewing for.

Pro tip: Use your past wins as a springboard to discuss future strategies.

Show how your experience has prepared you for the company's next big challenge.

6. The EQ fail

Technical skills get you in the door, but emotional intelligence gets you the job. I once had a candidate — a brilliant strategist — who managed to insult the interviewer's management style within the first 10 minutes. Needless to say, they didn't get the job.

Pro tip: Soft skills matter, especially at the top. Show empathy, active listening, and adaptability.

These traits often outweigh technical prowess in leadership roles.

7. The salary stumble

Even seasoned execs can trip over the compensation question. I've seen candidates lowball themselves out of insecurity, and others demand outrageous packages out of hubris. Both approaches are recipes for disaster.

Pro tip: Do your research. Know your worth, but also understand the market. Be prepared to discuss total compensation packages, not just salary.

To ensure you don't undersell yourself, start by flipping the script and asking the company what salary range they have in mind. Try saying, "I'm thrilled about this opportunity and confident in the value I bring. What salary range do you have in mind for this position?"

For some executives, time is money. Skip the drawn-out haggling and be ready to dive into the total compensation package, covering base salary, bonuses, stock options, health benefits, retirement plans, and other perks.

And please, leave the negotiation tactics you used to buy your last car at home. I once had a CFO candidate hesitate over $3,000 in a $3 million package — that's a big mistake! It makes you appear shortsighted and unprofessional.

8. The culture clash

Here's a hard truth: Most executive placements fail because of cultural misalignment, not competence. I've placed technically brilliant CEOs into companies where they lasted less than a year because they were like oil in water.

Pro tip: Ask probing questions about decision-making processes, communication styles, and company values. And be honest with yourself about whether you'll thrive in that environment.

Culture fit is not about whether you'll be best friends with everyone. It's about aligning your working style and values with the company's.

9. The follow-up faux pas

The interview isn't over when you walk out the door. I'm amazed at how many executives neglect the crucial post-interview period. No follow-up email? No additional insights sent over? It's a missed opportunity to stand out.

Pro tip: Send a thoughtful, personalized thank-you note within 24 hours.

Use the note to reinforce key points, address concerns, and demonstrate your continued enthusiasm for the role.

10. The bridge burner

The executive world is smaller than you think. I've seen candidates ghost companies after multiple rounds of interviews or respond poorly to rejection. Remember, today's rejected offer might be tomorrow's dream opportunity.

Pro tip: Maintain professionalism at all times.

Respond graciously to rejections. If you're turning down an offer, do it with class. You never know when paths might cross again.

The bottom line

Even the brightest stars in the corporate galaxy can dim their own light with these cringe-worthy mistakes. After nearly a quarter-century of placing top executives, I've learned that the difference between landing a dream job and being passed over often comes down to these seemingly small but crucial details.

Remember, at the C-suite level, you're not just being evaluated on your past achievements or technical skills. You're being scrutinized for your potential to lead, inspire, and drive the company forward. Every interaction, from your LinkedIn profile to your thank-you note, is a chance to demonstrate that potential.

Deepali Vyas is a Senior Partner at Korn Ferry. She is a seasoned executive-level advisor and consultant with over 24 years of experience, specializing in placing world-class talent.

If you're a recruiter with unique advice for job seekers and want to share your story, please email Tess Martinelli at

Read the original article on Business Insider