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'Very scary': ex-Trump official lays out how Project 2025 will break the government


Former President Donald Trump will implement the core part of Project 2025, despite his denials, warned former Trump administration communications official Alyssa Farah Griffin on CNN Thursday — and it would undermine the very foundation of effective government.

Developed by the far-right Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 proposes replacing the federal civil service with Republican partisans, ending the independence the FBI and DOJ to let the president oversee prosecutions, imposing Christian nationalism in law, and the defunding or abolition of a wide range of essential federal programs.

"Trump, of course, continues to claim he hasn't seen Project 2025, he doesn't know anything about it," said anchor Jake Tapper. "He's called it quote 'ridiculous and abysmal,' Project 2025. You worked for President Trump in the White House. Why do you think Trump doesn't want to be linked to this?"

"Well, there's some very controversial parts of it," said Griffin. "One is eradicating Social Security, which he knows is obviously a political loser. But listen, people deeply connected to Donald Trump were part of this. He obviously praised it. He's going to be the first to tell you that Agenda 47 is actually his plan and platform."

"But the key part of Project 2025 ... I think it's the most important part for Americans to understand, is this reshaping of the federal government," Griffin continued. "And I saw the actual executive order at the end of the last administration, ready to go, that would remake every civil servant into a political appointee and a loyalist to Trump. And it goes beyond Social Security and some of these technical things. It's the national security apparatus. It's our emergency management. It's FEMA, it's responding to natural disasters, pandemics, those would all be our subject matter experts, the Dr. Faucis of the world, would be replaced with whatever loyalist he puts into those positions."

"So it's a very, very scary thing that's actionable and ready to go by Donald Trump," she concluded.

Watch the video below or at the link here.

Alyssa Farah Griffin on the dangers of Project 2025