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The biophotonic breakthrough


Prof Patience Mthunzi-Kufa, as Research Group Head for Biophotonics and Manager at the Photonics Centre at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa, is harnessing the power of light to detect and combat some of the world’s most pressing health challenges. With her team, she is pushing boundaries to develop cutting-edge photonics-based diagnostic devices that could transform point-of-care detection for HIV, tuberculosis, Covid-19 and various non-communicable diseases. “The diverse nature of the work I do drives my passion,” she says, explaining that the research itself is fresh, exciting and cutting edge.

Her work represents more than just scientific advancement. It is a beacon of hope for improved healthcare accessibility, particularly in resource-limited settings where rapid, accurate diagnostics can make a life-saving difference. 

She’s also pioneering photonics-based tools for bulk screening pharmaceuticals, which could prevent the distribution of substandard medication and potentially save millions of lives worldwide. “Drug safety, efficacy and availability are crucial areas of focus, because with reliable medications people can live long and fulfilled lives.” 

Her work is underpinned by curiosity and a desire to help others, and her constant probing and passion for problem-solving have led to numerous breakthroughs. “I love being in research because it is flexible, and its fluid nature provides opportunities to stretch oneself while making new discoveries.” 

One of the most rewarding aspects of her work is witnessing the success of her students. “It is amazing when parents express gratitude and acknowledge my contribution to a student’s development, and it’s particularly exciting to see postgraduates under my supervision obtain their degrees Cum Laude,” she says. 

All research comes with challenges, but she emphasises the importance of stepping back when faced with complex situations. “The secret to obtaining these ‘Aha!’ moments is to take a breather. Eureka moments do exist, but one must take a step back and slow down to realise them. Rest is key.”

This professor dreams of starting an internationally renowned biophotonics spin-off company. This ambitious goal would serve the double purpose of creating jobs while applying cutting-edge research to various industries, including health, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and beauty.

Mthunzi-Kufa says winning the NSTF-South32 Award for a Researcher (prize sponsored by proSET) is an amazing incentive to keep going the extra mile. “I’ve noted how much peer acknowledgement and international attention I’m attracting, which provides crucial strategic positioning for many opportunities going forward,” she says. “Winning also confirms that my family and research team are truly epic — I am because they are!”