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Sound familiar? Young boys being macho. A stage in life.Growing up. Name calling. Feeling our oats.

Before we knew it, we were teenagers and our minds turned to girls.

That brings us to today. We’re adults. Working. Supporting families. Parents. Grandparents. Those growing up activities are behind us. In most cases.

There are those who can’t get beyond juvenile activities. For whatever reasons they don’t have the goods.

They compensate. Their real world becomes make believe. They’re cowards. Do a lot of blaming. Lying helps them get through the day. And they cheat. They have to be in control. It’s there way or the highway. They have to win. Even when they lose.

People who get in their way can suffer significantly. Financially. Emotionally. Physically. Can you name one person who fits this description? I’ll help you out. He was recently convicted by a jury of his peers for 34 different felonies.

Here are some more clues:A doctor was paid off to give a fake diagnosis of bone spurs to classify him 4F unfit to serve in the military during Vietnam.Looks like a coward? A cheater?

He wrote his own medical report during his first campaign for president. He forced his Internist to sign it. A faker? A coward? A cheater?

He refused to provide transcripts from his high school and college. Claimed he was Number One at Wharton. Neither he nor the school could validate his claim. A faker? A liar? A cheater?

His juvenile activities became sexually criminal when about 25 different women claimed he put his hand up their skirts, or touched them in unwanted ways. His entitlement came into play. In one case he was found guilty of rape. That sounds pretty serious. A sexual predator? A coward? A faker? A cheater? A criminal? An insecure child trying to be macho?

Mr. Important continues. On the golf course at Winged Foot, a high priced Country Club. According to Tom D’Angelo in The Palm Beach Post, he was known as the “Commander in Cheat.” “ He doesn’t just cheat. “ He throws it, boots it and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. The caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball onto the fairway they gave him a nickname “Pele.’” Losers are weak. It’s not acceptable.

If you’re one of his followers, would you play him a game of golf for money?  One eye on the ball. One eye on him. Is that criminal behavior if he’s competing against others? Coward like? Juvenile?

He liked to play soldier. Not be one. He used a tactic of trying to diminish war heroes thus making himself look big and important. A real bizarre and child like approach. He called John McCain a loser. Criticized him for being captured. When confronted, he denied saying those things. There are recordings to support it.

Futhermore, he said those military people who were wounded or worse, killed in action were suckers and losers. Again denials. Again proof. How do you realistically describe those comments? Cowardly? Make believe behavior? Juvenile? A faker? A cheater?

There’s hardly a situation when this little boy doesn’t pull his little boy tricks in adult situations. Go back to his campaign in 2015. Rather than stick to substantive issues out came his name calling tricks. For example, Marco Rubio became “Little Marco.” Attend one of his rallies. There will always be some competitor given a fake or obscene name. Helps the man’s ego. A lie is a lie. And that’s no lie. Huckster? Fraud? Cheater?

Money is like Monopoly Money to him. A game. According to Steve Rattner, Chairman and CEO of Willett Advisors LLC, Investment Arm of Michael Bloomberg’s personal and philanthropic assets he ran up our country’s debt almost double what Biden did in a similar amount of time. Ask him and see what he says. A bad joke. Not funny. Make believe? Huckster?

Do you know anyone who worked at the Capitol on January 6? Apparently it was a walk in the park. Those who committed the atrocities according to him will be released from jail if he becomes President. If you had a loved one protecting the institution and our Democracy, do you agree with that assessment? Traitor? Coward? Liar? Cheater?

Perhaps if you’re a follower, I’ll offer some guidance in determining the name of the individual highlighted above. Donald Trump. A surprise?

If you had a business and were looking for a CEO, is Donald Trump your candidate? If history is any guide you’ll fail. That’s what he does in business. Fail. I would also have a good lawyer. You might not only lose money, your business, you might lose your freedom. He doesn’t give a damn about you. Or your kids. Your mother. Father. Spouse.

By the way, you probably missed an opportunity to get an advanced degree in hucksterism. At Trump University. What happened to all the scholars looking for the Trump formula? It did cost him a pretty penny. And them disappointment. Frustration. A lawsuit. Time poorly spent.

Be careful, in his playground, he doesn’t kid around. He thinks it’s his ball. His court. To suit his needs he worked on creating friends of enemies. And enemies of friends. You’re not allowed to criticize him. Challenge him. Doubt him.

After all, he did win the Presidential Election in 2020.

He’s desperate. Don’t get in his way. Don’t buy the lie. If you do, someone usually pays. Will it be you?


















The post MY DADDY IS TOUGHER THAN YOUR DADDY appeared first on The Moderate Voice.