News in English

Abortion activists want to get rid of 'stigma' associated with killing a baby


(LIFENEWS) – A while back the Abortion Establishment, worried that the tiresome “war on women” had long reached its expiration date and fresh out of new ideas, shifted gears. They attempted – and continue to do so vigorously today – to reframe the deaths of unborn children as not only a positive good but also an act of private violence beyond evaluation (for a host of contradictory reasons).

The common denominator is the centrality of eliminating the “stigma” attached to abortion. How? Well, see the above and by insisting the only reason women are haunted by the decision to take their unborn child’s life is (you guessed it) an oppressive patriarchy determined to control women, etc., etc., etc. und so weiter , und so weiter.

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Presumably, the theory is that people will begin to change their opinion about abortion because they’ve been worn down by the sheer power of repetition or because they will come to empathize with the stories. Each is intended to foster a kind of faux familiarity.

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