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The Hale–Bopp Comet Election


Joe Biden, who resembles Marshall Applewhite, officially transformed the 2024 presidential race into the Heaven’s Gate Election. He wants Democrats running for office around the country to join him in a suicide pact.

Some, particularly in deep-blue regions immune from Republican takeover, enthusiastically do — at least when the camera’s red light glares.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer declared, “I’m with Joe.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said of the debate over whether to replace Biden, “The matter is closed.” Rep. James Clyburn, who resuscitated Biden’s presidential hopes by propelling him to victory in the 2020 South Carolina primary, insists: “We’re ridin’ with Biden.”

The strongest evidence that Biden intends to stay in the race came from Rep. Jerry Nadler. Over the weekend, he privately told fellow Democrats that Biden must withdraw. On Monday, he pirouetted: “At this point, he is the best candidate. He is the only candidate.”

Many Democrats, unlike the 39 cultists in that San Diego compound in 1997, rebel against the planned imitation of the cult members who took their own lives 27 years ago. They want to live — or at least want a live chance at capturing the House, retaining the U.S. Senate, and thwarting Donald Trump’s presidential ambitions. They believe Joe Biden wins reelection about as much as they believe a UFO hides behind the Hale–Bopp comet.

In a New York Times survey taken after the president’s debate performance in which he seemingly showed signs of cognitive decline, just 31 percent of Americans told pollsters that they think Biden should remain in the race, while 60 percent endorsed the idea of replacing him. Among his own party, Biden barely ekes out plurality support for continuing his run: 48 percent call for replacing him while 47 percent do not.

The Democrats who know the most about winning presidential elections, David Axelrod and James Carville, loudly advocate a new face on the top of the ticket.

Axelrod summarized the president’s refusing to “step aside” in three d-words: “denial,” “delusion,” and “defiance.” Carville described Democrats on CNN as “a bunch of desperate people sailing into disaster” by sticking with Biden, whom he called — or possibly he meant a Trump-Biden election — “an idiotic choice for the future of our country.”

The donor class echoes Axelrod and Carville.

“We are not going to win in November with this president,” George Clooney wrote in the New York Times. “On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate.”

As Clooney points out, officeholders privately say what he writes in the Times but publicly support the president. Like the woke culture so many Democrats support, the president’s pressure campaign to remain the nominee merely suppresses belief and compels a sort of double-talk. It does not persuade that four more years of Biden serves the party or the country well. It instead drives below the surface the near universal position that a cognitively impaired candidate harms the party and the country.

House Democrats openly calling on Biden to drop out do not quite reach a dozen. As of filing, just one Democrat in the Senate, Peter Welch, calls on the president to withdraw. Behind closed doors, do any really think it wise for him to continue? The Wall Street Journal reported of Tuesday’s closed-door meeting of House Democrats, “Phones and Apple Watches were confiscated to prevent instant leaks.” That’s another way of saying Democrats discuss ditching their presumptive nominee — they just do not want to say that aloud.

In suicide cults, joiners willfully self-destruct in part because their good-money-after-bad emotional investment approaches total and bucking the leader really means admitting bad judgment. Every Democrat embroiled in this conversation voted for Biden just months ago. Calling on him to withdraw necessarily indicts one’s judgment and in some cases tacitly affirms complicity in a group lie.

Joe Biden can continue to play Do, Jill can play Ti, and congressional Democrats can lace up their Nike sneakers, sew on their Heaven’s Gate Away Team patch, and drink their phenobarbital and vodka. Alternatively, the president can mercifully let all, including his reputation, live.


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The post The Hale–Bopp Comet Election appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.