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Daily Kos proudly endorses 6 candidates for state supreme court


The United States Supreme Court is lawless, unhinged, and out of control. Led by an ill-gotten far-right supermajority, our highest court has issued an increasingly berserk series of decisions aimed at undermining American democracy, culminating with its declaration just two weeks ago that Donald Trump ought to be no more accountable under the law than a medieval despot.

Repairing this calamitous state of affairs requires immediate action on many fronts. One that's all too often overlooked, however, is the role that state supreme courts play in shaping our future—and progressives have a huge opportunity to influence their direction.

That's why we're shining a spotlight on half a dozen crucial races for a trio of critical state supreme courts that are all holding elections this fall. Daily Kos is proud to endorse six Democratic candidates who are committed to upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of all Americans:

Please donate $5 to each of these exceptional jurists to keep extremist Republicans off the bench!