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I’m a hair doctor and would NEVER use a hotel hair dryer – you’re just asking for dandruff and to stunt your hair growth


HOTEL hair dryers are a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, new research has found. 

And not only can they make you sick, they can reportedly cause dandruff and even stunt your hair growth. 

Trichologist Jacqui McIntosh has warned holidaymakers against using hotel hair dryers[/caption]
“Brace yourself for irritation, dandruff and a flurry of other hair woes,” she says[/caption]

It sounds extreme, but according to one trichologist, it’s absolutely true. 

Jacqui McIntosh has warned holidaymakers that the hair dryer lurking in your hotel room might be the grimiest item you use during your stay.

The research by ABC News found that the hot gadgets are often overlooked by cleaners, making them a breeding ground for germs. 

“Let’s talk about the dirty truth of hair dryers left unclean,” Jacqui, Bellissima hair ambassador, says. 

“They become breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. 

“When these pesky microorganisms find their way onto your hair and scalp, they can spark infections and irritations, disrupting your hair follicles and slowing down healthy growth.

“There’s also dust, mould and other unseen culprits lurking in neglected hair dryers.

“These aren’t just unhygienic—they’re troublemakers for your scalp. 

“Brace yourself for irritation, dandruff and a flurry of other hair woes such as dullness, frizz and even hair loss.”

In today’s world, with everyone more hygiene-conscious than ever, the last thing you want is to be blowing germs all over your freshly washed hair.

Jacqui even warned that using a hotel hair dryer could cause your healthy locks to frazzle. 

“Blocked vents mean heat distribution goes haywire,” she explains.

“Some parts of your hair get blasted with too much heat, leading to dryness, brittleness, and split ends.

“Neglected hair dryers are time bombs waiting to go off. 

The 4 stages of the hair growth cycle

Hair experts at Philip Kingsley shared the four stages of the hair growtn cycle are: Anagen, Catagen, Telogen and Exogen

Anagen Phase: Also known as the ‘Growth Phase’ or ‘Active Phase’, is when the cells in the root of your hair are most rapidly dividing so more new hair is formed.

During the Anagen Phase, hair grows around half an inch a month [about six inches a year], and faster in the summer than in winter.

This phase of the hair growth cycle lasts an average of three to five years.

Catagen Phase: Following the Anagen Phase, your hair cycle enters a short transitional phase known as the Catagen Phase, which signals the end of active hair growth and cuts individual hairs off from the blood supply and from the cells that produce new hair.

Approximately three percent of all hairs are in this stage at any time and it lasts for around 10 days.

Telogen Phase: The third stage of your natural hair growth cycle is the Telogen Phase, a resting period when strands remain in their follicles but are not actively growing.

An estimate of 10-15 percent of your hairs are in the Telogen Phase at any given moment.

The Telogen Phase lasts around three months or 100 days.

Exogen Phase: The final stage of the Hair Growth Cycle, when individual hair strands are released from their follicles and fall out.

Now the whole process begins again.

“Debris buildup inside the device spells overheating, increasing the risk of singeing your hair or scalp.”

Plus, those cheap, plastic nozzles can get super hot.

So, what’s the solution? 

Unfortunately, options are pretty limited.

You can either take a lightweight hair dryer in your suitcase on holiday or tough out an air dry.

Maybe your natural hair texture fancies a breather anyway.