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I accidentally gave a friend my sex tape


DEAR DEIDRE: I accidentally gave away my sex tape to a family friend and now I can’t face the shame of asking for it back.

The worst part is that it’s hidden in a Little Mermaid DVD case and I’m terrified that their daughter is going to discover it.

I’m 40 and my wife is 39. We’ve been married for nine years and have always had a rather adventurous sex life.

Over the last couple of years, we’ve dabbled in making homemade porn but only for us to keep.

I had completely forgotten that we’d downloaded one of them onto a disk and put it in an old DVD case.

Last week when we were decluttering our house a close family friend came to visit and saw I was getting rid of our DVDs. She asked if she could have them for her daughter which I happily agreed to.

It wasn’t until my wife freaked out when I told her about my ‘good deed’ that I realised what I had done.

Now we’re both completely mortified and don’t know what to do.
What if they’ve already discovered it? I’m so embarrassed.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Feeling embarrassed is a natural response, but remember that everyone makes mistakes.

Rather than do nothing and increase the risk of this child seeing your adult content, pop around to your friend’s house and explain – you have some home content on that disk.

Ask if you can take it back and return with the correct film soon.
Fingers crossed they haven’t tried to watch that film yet.


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