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Signs You are not Drinking Sufficient Water (Rutgers NJAES)


March 2019Karen Ensle EdD, RDN, FAND, CFCSRutgers Cooperative Extension of Union CountyThe average adult body is made up of between 55-60 percent water, which is an indication as to why it's so important to replenish these vital stores. Below are some of the symptoms associated with not drinking enough water.Dry skin that does not improve even using lotion daily. It's normal for our skin to change with the seasons. Dry skin lacks sebum (oil) and should respond to the application of oil-rich products. When skin loses its luster due to dehydration, start by drinking more water each day.A dry, sticky mouth and feeling thirsty is a sign of dehydration. These dry conditions in your mouth can cause a serious case of bad breath. A dry mouth and increased thirst can be a sign of something more serious so making an appointment with your dentist is a good idea.Headaches often accompany a state of dehydration. According to the National Headache Foundation (NHF), headaches are actually a common si...