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You’ve got the eyes of a hawk if you can spot the creature camouflaged in the dry grass in under 12 seconds


ONLY those with the eyes of a hawk can spot the hidden creature camouflaged in the dry grass.

The sneaky animal has concealed itself against the beige foliage of dirt and weeds.

Only those with super sharp vision can spot the creature camouflaged in the grass in under 12 seconds[/caption]

While it might not look like there’s anything there in passing, we promise there’s an animal in the illusion.

If you look close enough, you’ll be able to spot a frog perfectly blended in.

What are you waiting for? Hop to it — see if you can find the slippery amphibian in under 12 seconds.

Get your timer ready and let the clock count down.

Need a hint? We’ll be the first to let you know that wherever it is, it’s not directly in the center.

Hopefully, you’ve managed to figure that out on your own by now.

If you’re still searching, don’t give up! Every second counts.

Found it? Congrats, you may have the eyes of a hawk, but luckily for that frog, you’re not actually a hawk.

We’ve attached the solution below for anyone still looking.

Up for another? See if you can find the reptile camouflaged in the dark in under seven seconds.

These animals are quite adept at disguising themselves, but then again, you would be too if your lives depended on it.

Unlike the first challenge, there are only seven seconds on the clock, so you need to be on top of your game.

We’ll even tell you what you’re looking for as a pre-game hint: It’s a chameleon!

Did you manage to find the frog?[/caption]

Everyone knows chameleons can change color to blend seamlessly with their backgrounds to protect themselves from prey.

Put on your thinking cap and act like you’re its prey to outsmart the puzzle.

See if you can spot our clever little friend before time’s up.

Can you find the chameleon camouflaged in the moss in under seven seconds?[/caption]

Have you spotted it? Congratulations, are you sure you weren’t a hawk in a previous life?

If you’re still looking, here’s a hint: look for a hint of yellow — that’s the chameleon’s eyes.

A speckle of black dots separates the creature from the blanket of moss and greens surrounding it.

We’ve attached the solution below for anybody who is still struggling.

Were you able to find it?[/caption]