News in English

More NeuroPolitics


My first loves are music, science and math, but there hasn’t been much posting about that due to current events involving neurology, something I did since starting a residency in 1967 until retirement in 2000.

Biden effectively gave himself enough rope to hang himself by asking for an early debate and setting up the ground rules where he could speak uninterruptedly. He proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is cognitively impaired and in early dementia. It is silly to demand cognitive testing and argue whether or not he has Parkinsonism (for: masklike facies; against good prosody of speech, no tremor, gait abnormal but not typically Parkinsonian). It is essentially arguing about the color of the rope he hung himself with.

I think the election will be an even greater disaster for the Democrats than the current polls show. Why? I live in a working class town and for the past 20 years have been eating early about once a week at two local diners (making hospital rounds at 7 AM all those years has engraved that on my zeitgeber). Who’s there at 6, 7 and 8 AM? The trades (electricians, construction, plumbers), a few farmers and fewer Vietnam era vets (of which I am one). The only thing you don’t see is cops. I guess the diners have lousy donuts. In all that time I don’t think I’ve ever heard them discuss politics.

When they start paying attention to the presidential race sometime after labor day, and if Biden is still the Democratic nominee, a few clips of Biden’s greatest hits and it’s game over. These aren’t educated people but they are far from stupid, and they don’t need a neurology residency to see that Biden is not playing with a full deck. I think it will be a rout.

On an even creepier note, a post I wrote November 2021 ( concerning the possibility of Biden having occult hydrocephalus started getting hit from China