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Donald Trump Has Led 12 of 12 Battleground State Polls Since Debate, 12th is a Tie


Several post-debate polls have been released in recent days, and the damage to Biden’s candidacy is clear. In fact, Donald Trump leads in 11 out of 12 polls conducted in the aftermath of the debate. And the 12th poll is a tie.

Three media polls – the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and CNN – all showed Trump beating Biden by six points. At this point in the 2020 campaign, Biden had a 9-point lead over Trump.

In addition, new Emerson College poll tested Trump against various potential Biden replacements. Trump beats them all.

  • Kamala Harris loses by 6.
  • Bernie Sanders loses by 6.
  • Al Gore loses by 5.
  • Hillary Clinton loses by 7.
  • Gavin Newsom loses by 8.
  • Pete Buttigieg loses by 10.
  • Elizabeth Warren loses by 10.
  • Gretchen Whitmer loses by 10.
  • Josh Shapiro loses by 8.

This was a national poll of people all over the country. But we don’t elect presidents based on the popular vote. What really matters are the seven battleground states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – that will determine the outcome in the Electoral College.

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Polling shows Donald Trump is currently leading in all seven decisive battleground states.

And speaking of “battleground states,” New York may be emerging as another potential battleground. Perhaps that’s why New York Democrat Pat Ryan today urged Biden to step down, becoming the eighth congressional Democrat to do so.

Ryan’s comments come on the heels of Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) saying publicly that Joe Biden can’t win in November, the first Senate Democrat to publicly break ranks. Note: Gary Bauer is the president of American Values, a national pro-family organization and is the former president of the Family Research Council. Bauer ran for the Republican nomination for president and appears frequently on radio and television programs.

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