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'Lord you are evil': Comer under fire for subpoenaing aides in Biden's 'protective bubble'


Rep. James Comer's latest antic was roundly criticized on social media Wednesday after the House Oversight Committee said it subpoenaed three key White House staffers who, the panel alleges, reportedly run "interference" and create a "protective bubble" for a declining President Joe Biden — and even do his job for him.

In a letter posted on X, Comer (R-KY), the Republican chairman of the committee, said the staffers subpoenaed are: Ashley Williams, special assistant to the president and deputy director of Oval Office Operations, First Lady Jill Biden's top aide Anthony Bernal, and deputy chief of staff Annie Tomasini.

Comer wrote that officials in the House, Senate, and White House have "voiced concerns about the President's ability to lead the country."

"Recent reporting has revealed a White House in disarray, and one former Biden aide has said that 'Annie [Tomasini], Ashley [Williams] and Anthony [Bernal] create a protective bubble around' the president, and that Biden is 'staffed so closely that he's lost all independence.'"

The panel said it's probing the scope of Williams' job duties as it seems she has "firsthand knowledge" of the extent to which Biden is "personally carrying out the duties of his office and whether he is capable of doing so."

Comer asked the aides to respond by July 17 and asked they sit for a closed-door grilling this month.

Read also: 'Spectacular': Report reveals Comer mistakenly imported 'Chinese pot' instead of hemp

Social media critics ripped Comer, who is no stranger to partisan-driven antics, over his latest "performative" stunt.

"No one is covering for anybody. Lord you are evil," said @FireRokita.

"More performance art by a do-nothing Republican house," wrote @Andyz57 on X.

"yeah yeah yeah whatever...." wrote @MoosesFelix.

"Performative," said @PopNatThinking.


Lol," scoffed @KimKimmmmay. "You're mad cuz he has staff?"

His latest round of mockery comes days after Comer was mocked by both Republicans and Democrats after he called on Biden's doctor to testify.

In a letter to Dr. Kevin O'Connor, Comer said the committee was investigating Biden's medical assessment, which stated that he "remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency."