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Yosemite National Park Slams Visitors for Disgusting Habit


Tourists not following the rules at our nation's parks is hardly a new phenomenon, but one park is looking to cut down on a disgusting habit some of its visitors have picked up. 

In a recent Instagram post, Yosemite National Park took visitors to task for leaving behind used toilet paper. The post included a photo of used TP alongside a full roll abandoned near Rancheria Falls, a famed waterfall in the park. 

"Unfortunately, this is a sight that's become all too familiar in Yosemite, even in wilderness areas," the park's account wrote. 

While toilet paper is a necessity no matter where you're going to the bathroom, that doesn't mean it can simply be left behind.

"If you bring toilet paper out on your trips, please pack it out too," the park advised. "You can bring a sealable plastic baggie to stash it in, and even cover the bag in tape so you don't have to look at it."

And although leaving it abandoned on the ground is an obvious no-no, some might think that they can simply bury it alongside their waste. But not in the arid environment of Yosemite, where leave-no-trace principles dictate that carrying it out is a necessity.

"It's easily exposed by weather and erosion, and animals can dig it up and disperse it long before it decomposes (which can take 1-3 years, depending on conditions). Some animals may even use it for nesting material (ew). Let's keep things clean and classy out there, by packing out whatever you carry in," the park wrote. 

Check out the full Instagram post below: