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Gossip Blog Covers Trump Child Rape Claims That Media Ignores


Gossip guru Perez Hilton covers the allegations that Trump raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994. But the mainstream media remains silent, ignoring Katie Johnson's court case. The media pundits are melting down over Biden's age. But the same outlets disregard court records with claims the GOP presidential nominee for violently raped a child.

British outlet The Independent reported "Trump threatened to kill" 13-year-old Johnson if she reported him. The Guardian reported Johnson dropped her lawsuit against Trump days before the 2016 election.

Trigger Warning: Details About Katie Johnson's Lawsuit Are Disturbing

Gossip guru Perez Hilton reports on Katie Johnson's allegations she was raped by Trump when she was 13. Hilton reports Katie said Trump forced her to perform other sexual acts three times before violently raping her in 1994. Hilton wrote that court documents claimed “tied [Katie] to a bed”, “exposed himself”, then “proceeded to forcibly rape” the 13-year-old virgin.

Court document:

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