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Setting aside time for grill maintenance is the key to a Bigger, Hotter, Heavier outdoor cooking experience.To get the best possible food and to keep your Pit Boss as good as new, regular grill maintenance is crucial. Cleaning, re-seasoning, and proper grill storage can all help prevent rust and various other issues.Let’s get started with some tips for seasoning your grill.CLEANING AND SEASONINGSeasoning your grill is not only great for protecting it against rust, but also for preventing your food from sticking while you cook. You should get your grill cleaned up before jumping into the seasoning process.We recommend cleaning your grill regularly between uses. A good rule of thumb is to go by how many hours you’ve used it. For example, you might run through the full cleaning process after a 10+ hour cook, or you might wait to do a full clean after you’ve used your grill 3 times for cooks that were 5 hours or less.We covered all the tips and tricks to getting your grill clean in our ext...