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How to determine the right trailer size. | Straight Line Suspension

Are you sizing your trailer correctly?One of the biggest problems we see here at the shop is missized trailers. If you don’t know how to size a trailer, it can cause a whole host of serious problems. They won’t always present immediately either. Sometimes it can take hundreds of miles before the consequences are known. That isn’t good when you’re towing something like recreational vehicles into the wilderness. If you aren’t on the main road, recovery can quickly become a logistical nightmare. The best way to prevent problems? Make sure you have a properly sized trailer to begin with.What are the most important factors when deciding on a trailer?The weight of the load you are towing is the single largest determining factor. Every single vehicle is capable of towing a trailer. Even a smart car can manage it. The question isn’t whether your vehicle is capable of towing, but how much it can tow. You never want to exceed your vehicle’s total rated towing capacity. When you do, things can qu...