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Biden Campaign’s Controversial Flack Becomes the Story Again

Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Getty

A messy scramble to clean up the fallout from President Joe Biden’s unintelligible debate performance has landed one of the president’s senior aides back in the spotlight—with his high-profile ex-girlfriend among those piling fresh scrutiny on the reportedly “toxic” flack.

Senior adviser TJ Ducklo, who previously made headlines for his aggressive efforts to intimate reporters, bewildered The New York Times opinion columnist Maureen Dowd on Saturday when he asked her to rephrase an op-ed she wrote about a stumble Biden made in his high-stakes post-debate interview with veteran ABC journalist George Stephanopoulos.

Stephanopoulos asked Biden how he would feel if Trump won in November because the Democratic base refused to rally behind him, to which he said he would be OK with the outcome as long as he’d done the “goodest job” he knew he could do, using a non-word that drew scrutiny.

Read more at The Daily Beast.