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Centrist Politics: An Insidious And Opportunist Ideology – OpEd


Many political parties and their leaders adopt a so-called middle political path, commonly known as centrist politics, by maintaining an equal distance from both left-wing and right-wing ideologies or aligning with any ideological orientation based on selfish requirements. This approach allows them to appeal to a broader spectrum of voters by adopting shallow policies and avoiding the extremes of the political spectrum. Centrist politics often claims to focus on pragmatic solutions and liberal compromise, aiming to balance progressive and conservative values in order to address the needs and concerns of the general population effectively. Centrist politics is the shock absorber of reactionary right-wing politics.

Such a centrist worldview and its political project is neither political naivety nor an effective method for deepening of democracy and citizenship rights. Centrist politics is often an insidious and opportunistic ideology that masquerades as pragmatic and free from ideological bias. By positioning themselves in the middle ground, centrist politicians may claim to offer so called balanced, credible and reasonable solutions. However, this stance is a mask and in reality, centrists lack of genuine commitment to substantive political change and always prioritise maintaining the status quo over addressing deeper societal, economic and political issues.

Centrist political path is neither neutral nor an ideology free zone. It is an opportunistic project of both ruling and non-ruling elites. By positioning themselves as centrists, these elites appeal to a broad range of voters, avoiding the polarising ideological positions. This strategy allows them to maintain their influence and control, presenting their approach as balanced and pragmatic while potentially prioritising their interests over those of the common people.

Centrist political tendencies generally oppose radical transformations in political, social, economic, and cultural spheres aimed at achieving an egalitarian society. It advocates for a so-called balanced approach that seeks gradual improvements and reforms within the existing system rather than sweeping changes. Centrists believe that stability and incremental progress are more sustainable and less disruptive than drastic shifts, aiming to find an opportunistic ground between opposing viewpoints in the name of fostering social cohesion and political stability.

Centrist political movements, parties, and their leaderships often seize any opportunity to undermine radical politics, policies, and people-oriented movements advocating for social change. They typically prioritise so called stability and incremental reform over drastic shifts, viewing radical approaches as potentially disruptive and impractical. This centrist political opposition manifests in various ways, including political manoeuvrings, public discourse, and legislative actions aimed at discrediting or stalling progressive initiatives. Centrists strive to maintain a balanced status quo, believing that gradual change within the current system is more effective and sustainable. In reality, this is not the case, and it is process where the unjust status quo is maintained in the name of reforms.

Centrist politics, which typically presents itself as a balanced or moderate alternative, frequently forms alliances with right-wing forces in its pursuit of power. This alignment is achieved by pandering to reactionary religious and moral factions within society, which often hold conservative views on social and cultural issues. By doing so, centrists hope to broaden their appeal and secure electoral success. However, this approach is indicative of an underlying ideological emptiness. Instead of adhering to a coherent set of principles or values, centrist politics is driven primarily by the goal of maintaining and advancing the interests of capital. This focus on economic gain often comes at a significant cost, including the well-being of the working people and the health of the planet. Environmental degradation and social inequality are frequently overlooked or exacerbated as a result.

The adoption of a liberal veneer is a tactical move designed to attract support from a broader base. By presenting themselves as progressive or forward-thinking, centrist politicians aim to win over those who might otherwise be wary of their true allegiances and policy priorities. This deceptive strategy allows them to rally people to their cause, even as their actions ultimately serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful.

Centrist politics is neither dependable nor a viable alternative to pursue for a progressive, prosperous, and peaceful future. Unmasking centrist politics is crucial to shaping the nature and future of radical politics focused on social, political, cultural, and economic transformation for an egalitarian and fair future based on reason, science and secularism.