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How long are League of Legends games?


League of Legends is a game that fundamentally demands two elements to play: teamwork and time (also, an internet connection, but that’s irrelevant to this article). You’ve probably run through the situation where you’re bound by time to do something, but you wanted to play one more match before calling it a day. In this situation, the only question in your mind among the math is, “How long is a League of Legends match?”It’s safe to assume that you’ve played the game enough at this point to realize that the answer is very dynamic and subject to change based on many unpredictable factors. However, for some perspective, a League of Legends game can last anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour. But how long is an average game of League of Legends? In this article, we’ll examine the average game length for game mode, other factors that influence game length, and finally, tips on how to finish the game faster.How long does a League of Legends game lastThe biggest and most important factor...