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Marcus Griffin

Marcus Griffin is role-played by Clammy.Description[]Marcus Griffin was a mechanic employed by Harmony Repairs Garage. Marcus Griffin is the MOST followed model on Instagram. Reaching over 9 followers, he also is the richest man in the city - with over $16 billion dollars in his bank account. He is also the creator of the "MarkyG Special" - a premium service offered ONLY by MarkyG where he celebrates the manufacture of your vehicle with a special ceremony - but warning! If your vehicle's exhaust extends 6-12 inches, we're not liable for any damage your exhaust endures whilst you drive it! The vehicles erection will go down in due time - unless you want to release it's oil yourself;)Marcus is THE most famous man in the city - to the point where ALL the ladies in the city want to hang out with, do drugs with and FUCK. Known primarily for his 14ft long penis and doorknocker sized balls, which Marcus calls his "Jingle Bells" - Marcus has re-arranged the guts of over 5000 women, putting the...