What are the different methods for sugarcane cultivation?
Hint: Planting time for sugarcane is – spring season (mid February to end of March) and autumn season (last fortnight of September to first fortnight of October). Sugarcanes need to be watered in a 10 days interval before the monsoon season, as per requirement in the monsoon season and at 25 days interval after the monsoon season.Complete Answer: Sugarcane belongs to the bamboo family of plants and is indigenous to India and is the main source for making sugar, gur and khandsari.There are different ways to cultivate sugarcane, the native method of sowing sugarcane is to plough the given land for 3 – 5 times and forming a seed bed of about 10 – 15 cm deep, after this the field is levelled and the seeds are planted.Ways of cultivating sugarcane:1. Flatbed planting method – It is the simplest and the cheapest of the methods and is suitable for areas with low precipitation. In this method shallow furrows of around 8 – 10 cm deep are made at a distance of 75 – 90 cm and the seeds are plante...