Latest Brotherhood Podcast - Darren Harris & Pat Ngongba
Fresh off the digital presses!
The latest episode of the Brotherhood Podcast is out! Guests today are Darren Harris and Pat Ngongba. Caleb Foster is hosting again as well.
Right out of the gate we learn that the two veterans of Paul XI and Team Takeover met in third grade. Johnny Dawkins and Tommy Amaker tell a story of remembering meeting at Lefty Driesell’s camp and obviously the Plumlee brothers knew each other their entire lives, but that’s different. We’re not sure that we’ve ever heard of two Duke teammates knowing each other that long.
On a side note, having Foster as the host is smart. It gives him a chance to build more leadership which is key since so many players left after last season. Foster and Tyrese Proctor are going to have to take on a lot.
Harris is a deadly shooter and he’s going to have a chance to build a nice role for Duke. We haven’t seen enough of Ngongba yet to get a good idea since he was injured last season. He’s taken some time to get his agility back but he’s a crafty big man. We’re looking forward to seeing more of his game.