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Diploma and diskarte: Upskilling through Mapúa Malayan Digital College’s digital-first IT courses


Have you heard of the “Diploma o diskarte?” debate?

In this fast-paced world where new ways to earn a living are emerging daily, the internet has been ablaze with whether a formal education or street smarts (diskarte) is more important for success.

The discussion comes at an important time for employment in the country, with the Philippines experiencing a 3.1% unemployment rate in 2023 according to the PSA’s December 2023 Labor Force Survey. At the same time, the talk of side hustles, moonlighting, and entrepreneurship has proliferated our feeds with promises of earning money without needing to graduate.

In this BrandRap Talk session, host Julian Cirineo sits down with Jenny Chua and Noel Torregoza of Mapúa Malayan Digital College (MMDC) to discuss how their digital-first learning model and BS IT program can combine practical skills and critical thinking to produce graduates who are ready to conquer real-world challenges in the modern digital landscape. 

As a response to the needs of working professionals and the ever-evolving world of tech and business, MMDC also recently introduced two new tracks under their BS IT Program: Development-focused and Business-focused.

“Our entire learning model is founded on practical pragmatic experiences, therefore allowing [students] to exercise and further hone their diskarte,” shared Noel.

MMDC’s fully online classes and flexible schedules for working students are the ideal avenues for balancing education, career advancement, and personal development. 

Jenny is the VP for Marketing of MMDC, while Noel leads the Academics Team of MMDC. Together, they aim to debunk the “diploma o diskarte?” discussion by showcasing how both elements are essential (and achievable) in today’s competitive job market through digital-first education. 

Start your fully online IT college journey at Have more questions? Click here to learn more about MMDC. –