News in English

Re: Bacuna

Bacuna was one of the very few who played without fear and would try to make things happen

Had some great quality but the average/typical Bacuna performance that he put out there wasnt quite good enough

Id be surprised if we regret letting him go tbf
This. I he was putting in 8/10 performances every week he'd be a premier league player. 1-1.5 million is a fair price given that he has 12 months left on his contract.

Yep I agree with this.

He was underused towards the end of the season.

He did the most quality of any Blues player over the last few seasons pretty much.

Anyone saying he was inconsistent, this is wingers, this is flair players.
They do come in an out of games but they are in there for a bit of magic otherwise every team would be full of Tebily's and no Hoddle or Waddles.

Good luck to him, he is far better than League 1 level.